

Partridge strains available:
English or French

Reared under monochromatic lighting systems that have been established with Gasolec UK over the past few seasons. The use of coloured lighting stimulates growth as well as relaxing the bird. Tremendous results have been achieved using this system. The age of the poult can be tailored to suit the customer but will be subject to a weekly surcharge.

Partridge poult prices POA:
Eggs per 102
French Day olds
English Day olds
French 14 week old
English 14 week old

Click here for all other prices

National Gamekeepers OrganisationNational Gamekeepers Organisation Game Farmers Association

Tel/Fax: 07977 931 795


The Acorns | Shenley Road | Smarden | Kent | TN27 8PS

Canal Game Farm